(m) maquetter — simple presentation of layouts to clients
July 14, 2014
It is possible to present layouts of a web-site with the help of the most diverse methods. A designer may send such files with layouts by e-mail to the relevant address of your client, he may upload them to a server, bring them to your client in hard copies, or use numerous file-sharing services. Unfortunately, no one of these approaches is ideal. Designers have to answer the following clients' ...
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Storing data in a cloud storage: a great disadvantage for clients
July 07, 2014
It is an open secret that today cloud storages and technologies are actively utilized in various spheres of our life. Indeed, certain spheres have a number of advantages due to utilization of such storages and technologies. For example, if you want to create cloud storage for back-up copying of files, it is obvious that cloud services are ideal technologies for this purpose. However, all things ...
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(m) maquetter now in German
June 23, 2014
We are happy to announce that the (m) maquetter service is now also available in German. You can fully appreciate the advantages of our service, test its features and study documentation translated into German. However, it is not all the news – in the near future we will be ready to present the Russian version of (m) maquetter. Stay in touch.
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File-sharing services: one hundred and one problem for a client
June 02, 2014
Well, we have already discussed in the previous paper the reasons, under which it is embarrassing to send files by e-mail. Now we wish to present you this paper, which is devoted to discussion of the problems connected with utilization of file-sharing services in the course of providing your client with the layouts you have created. File-sharing services: an ideal method to embarrass your ...
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Transfer of files by e-mail is a relic of the past. Modern web-designers take advantage of a brand-new tool - (m) maquetter
May 05, 2014
Let us simulate a "small" problem: assume that you have to provide your client with many files of the layout, which is already prepared for future demonstration. Of course, it is possible to take the easiest route and transfer all these files by e-mail to the relevant address of your client along with preliminary explanations as follows: what files he has to open, with the help of which programs ...
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