Live presentation of layouts – it's as easy as pie with the help of (m) maquetter
April 21, 2014
Remote presentation of layouts – it is a very handy procedure, first of all, in the situations, where your client resides at his office, which is situated at the distance of several thousands kilometers from your office. However, sometimes it happens that your client and you are residents of the same city, and thus he wants to meet with you in his own person in order to discuss all ...
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Instantaneous refreshment of layouts is an advantage of (m) maquetter service
April 14, 2014
In the course of demonstration of layouts, it is very often the case that a designer makes decision to download all files to the required server through an FTP server. Naturally, in the course of subsequent rework these files may be changed, any unnecessary layout may be downloaded instead of the necessary one; however, the cached copy of the necessary layout will remain the same. The problem at ...
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Use the right tools for your work
April 07, 2014
Web designers actively follow different trends in the field of web site development, and study and implement interesting findings involving CSS, JC, and etc. Unfortunately, many designers leave out of an account different tools that would make it work with web sites easier, which would allow working time to be used more efficiently. Looking at some statistics we can conclude that 80% of designers ...
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(m) maquetter why our approach to presentation of layouts is the most efficient one
March 17, 2014
It is possible to present layouts to your client with the help of various methods. Each designer (or project manager) cooperates with his client in such a manner as he thinks best. Of course, not all approaches are really efficient ones, however, designers very often shut their eyes to this problem. Has client received finalized version of your layout? Very good! Something is wrong? We will make ...
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(m) maquetter now on mobile phones and tablet PCs
March 10, 2014
Before you were able to use desktops only for layouts presentation, but now you can do it on different mobile devices. We have developed two more versions of (m) maquetter service especially for you: for mobile devices and tablets. Layouts demonstration has become simpler and easier to use. Being on the road you and your customers can quickly get access to (m) maquetter, using ...
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