How to make site design profitable (part3)
November 06, 2014
Previous articles dealt with the issues of routine and their solutions for the topic “Meetings”. Let us now consider solutions to the following problem. Today’s topic is “Problem formulation” I would agree with you, but then both of us would be wrong. Let me remind you the kernel of the problem. You have a signed contract. You have ideas in your head, but they more look ...
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Client’s attention or how to prepare layouts for the presentation
November 05, 2014
Designing good layouts for a certain project is only half the battle. Designers usually stop here and just forward all layouts to the client, expecting to get approval from him (and the second part of payment). However, designers often forget that the person can simply fail to find his way through the layouts. Due to this inborn laziness or any other factors, the designer archives all photos ...
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How to make site design profitable (part2)
October 31, 2014
We discussed the question of routine in the previous article. Let’s take a look at the solutions to some of them. Today’s subject: Meeting Ideal meeting is a meeting that did not take place No, no, I do not talk you out of direct meetings. Do understand, however, that there should be only three of them. Presentation, signing of the documents (of course, it depends on the ...
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Terrific discounts on Halloween! Be sure to get them!
October 27, 2014
Halloween is the time of horrors, so we have decided to scare you a bit. Are you ready?! Beware as we decided to make terrific discounts for(m) maquetter tariffs! Now you think it’s a lousy discount of some 20%? No way! Let’s leave it for others. Everything is much more serious and terrific– in total 80%*!!! It’s high time you take advantage of this awesome deal! Don’t waste time, ...
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How to make site design profitable (part1)
October 22, 2014
Let us first agree who this article is intended for (hereinafter referredto as performer) and what problems you face every day. freelance designer designer; working in a web-studio / web-agency; web-studio / web-agency; intermediary between the above and the customer. Meeting All the above performers face the same issues. I suggest discussing these issues together in ...
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